8 Ways To Develop Great Teammates

Great teams don't just happen. They are meticulously crafted.

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The adage "Great teams win with great teammates" resonates in sports and business.

But understanding what truly defines a great teammate — and how leaders can cultivate them within their teams — is essential for sustained success.

The journey to developing great teammates hinges on a daily commitment to fostering a culture of excellence, fostering accountability and nurturing a collective mindset.

Author and coach Greg Berge has outlined eight insightful ways in which coaches can contribute to the development of great teammates.

By reflecting on where we excel and identifying areas that require further attention and deliberate nurturing, we can steer our teams to new heights:

  1. Team Culture Sets the Tone: Creating Culture is the No. 1 job of the coach. Great teammates are cultivated through a team culture that creates and rewards great teammates. It is a relationship-centered culture where all players are respected. And everything is earned.

  2. Roles are Defined: An honest discussion about player roles and responsibilities is needed to have great teammates. The coach must be honest with all players. This creates trust and allows players to become great teammates.

  3. Accountability for All: All players must be held accountable within the framework of the team. Ideally, team leaders can do this within. But if not, the coach must follow through. Accountability develops great teammates.

  4. Team Leaders are Clear: Who are your team leaders? It needs to be known by all. These leaders need to step up when needed. They need to be connectors of all. They need to cheer for all. They need to confront and challenge when needed.

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  1. We > Me Mindset: Great teams have teammates who get the big picture. They have a WE > ME mindset. This is a culture that is developed by a coach and leader. It allows great teammates to develop and flourish.

  2. Positive Energy: Energy is contagious. It is much easier to be a great teammate when the culture is one of positive energy. Create a culture where being a great teammate is fostered. Fostered with positive energy!

  3. Handle Adversity Together: There will be bumps in the road. Great teams go through these times together. They support each other. They have each other's back.This builds a culture of togetherness, one where great teammates can thrive.

  4. Collective Leadership is Present: Finally, although individual team leaders are known, collective leadership is key. There are many ways to lead: Game leader, strategy leader, creative leader, practice leader, locker room leader, boardroom leader, and more. All players and team members can lead.

The journey to developing great teammates is always multifaceted because we are navigating real people and human behavior. By prioritizing these eight strategies, we lay the foundation and groundwork for a bought-in team ready to show up and compete in its respective arena.

Understand great teams don't just happen; they are meticulously crafted through dedicated work without shortcuts.

It takes a leader with vision and storytelling prowess — and an unwavering commitment to push team members beyond their comfort zones.

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