The Power of One Single Word

Instead of crafting extensive lists of resolutions, we may want to choose a single word to guide our year.

As the new year begins, the familiar theme of "New Year, New Me" fills the air.

Yet, the reality is that most resolutions fade away by February. According to Drive Research, a mere 9 percent stick to their resolutions, emphasizing the need for a different approach and sustainable mental framework.

Best-selling author and keynote speaker Jon Gordon suggests a transformative alternative: embracing The Power of One Word. Instead of crafting extensive lists of resolutions, he urges us to choose a single word to guide our year.

Gordon feels simplicity is the key to overcoming distractions and fostering deeper purpose, commitment and success in 2024. The chosen word has the ability to impact all aspects of our lives: mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial.

We, as leaders, can benefit from this approach too. One Word can become a shared ethos, uniting our teams toward a common goal in the quarters ahead this year. It fosters collaboration, commitment and resilience, propelling our teams to challenge the status quo while overcoming challenges.

So, how do you discover your One Word? Reflect on your values, desires and areas of growth and impact. 

What is the essence of what you want to achieve this year? How do you want to feel this year? 

Is your One Word: resilience, purpose, service, joy, discipline, gratitude, forgiveness, creativity, connection, stillness, adventure, courage, harmony or acceptance? Your One Word is unique to you and your teams ― a beacon that will guide us through obstacles and celebrations in 2024.

In a world saturated with complex goals and overwhelming resolutions, embracing the simplicity of One Word can be a game-changer. As dynamic leaders, let us harness the transformative power of One Word to bring greater clarity, purpose, intention, and excellence into the fabric of our daily lives. 

This year, let your One Word be the driving force that propels you toward a more fulfilling and meaningful future. Find your word, live it, and share it. 

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