Sunday Thinking

"Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can be who you were destined to become."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"You are the most constant thing in your own life. Befriend yourself first. Invest in yourself first. Become yourself first. The rest will come together in time."

― Brianna Wiest, Author

I. Brick by Brick, Day by Day 

  • Culture isn’t built in a day. 

  • Success isn’t built in a day. 

  • Mindset isn’t built in a day. 

  • Habits aren’t built in a day. 

  • Greatness isn’t built in a day. 

  • The foundation isn’t built in a day. 

It’s built one day at a time. Keep showing up. Keep doing the work.

Source: Kevin DeShazo, Keep Chopping Wood

II. Turning Inward on Our Journey

Inner Work is the practice of looking inward to our authentic selves and experiences and taking time for the things that ignite our passion, creativity, and innovation. Simply put, the work of Inner Work starts inside us. 

Here are 4 pillars of Inner Work:

  1. Self-Awareness: The ability to notice yourself, the ability to recognize and shift between ego and presence/consciousness; knowing yourself deeply, and being clear on the conditions needed to feel how you want to feel.

  2. Self-Care: The ability to make choices that benefit the entirety of yourself (body, mind, spirit, energy); the ability to practice self-compassion; the ability to put your needs first.

  3. Self-Regulation: The ability to maintain equilibrium; the ability to calm yourself down and lift yourself up.

  4. Self-Creation: The ability to re-imagine what is possible for your life; the ability to shift, evolve, and transform; the ability to become and un-become different versions of yourself; the ability to bring ideas and desires to fruition.

Source: BetterUp & Jamila Reddy

III. The Art of Being Okay

It's okay:

  • To be yourself.

  • To not be okay.

  • To make mistakes.

  • To have a bad day.

  • To be perfectly imperfect.

  • To do what's best for you.

  • To protect your peace with boundaries.

  • To lean into your story with vulnerability.

  • To dare greatly and to presently live in the now.

If anyone hasn't reminded you lately, know everything is going to be okay.

IV. What We’re Excited About

On Deck Angels (ODA) is a life-long, invite-only community with a 5-week immersive onboarding to help you level up your investing from day one.

The community is a place for confidential, meaningful conversations and support from capable peers who understand the challenges you face and want to see you succeed.

  • Get a credential that’s increasingly recognized by the most ambitious founders and discerning investors in the world.

  • Find co-investors, mentors and friends for life. ODA members regularly share deal flow and collaborate on diligence.

  • Get support from a network of peers committed to pursuing excellence in the craft of angel investing.

V. Question

Where are you on your journey? What's the season you're in teaching you?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Take my time.

  2. Honor my journey.

  3. Free myself from doubt.

  4. Courageously walk in my truth.

  5. Trust everything is going to be okay.

The Last Words…

"No leader sets out to be a leader. People set out to live their lives, expressing themselves fully. When that expression is of value, they become leaders. So the point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, to use yourself completely – all your skills, gifts, and energies – in order to make your vision manifest."

― Warren G. Bennis, Leadership Scholar 

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