Sunday Thinking

"Leave the game better than you found it. And when it comes time for you to leave, leave a legend." ― Kobe Bryant

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Since there is so much attention on love this month, I choose to focus on my most important relationship: the one I have with myself. After all, I am my primary companion through life. Other people may come and go, but I am always here. Every day I take the opportunity to practice mirror work: Standing in front of a mirror, looking deep into my eyes, I tell myself, "I love you. I really love you." I smile at my reflection, remembering that when I love myself, life is so much easier, and much more fun!"

― Louise Hay, I Can Do It

I. It Starts With Trust

The Marines can teach us that we can do more than we think we can. The belief in oneself and the power of the group is more powerful than any individual. 

  • Bringing the collective together for one common goal is the best journey that you can go on as a group of individuals. 

  • In the Marine Corps, you learn that you can't do it by yourself. It's a choice. Your individual skills mean nothing without the team. 

  • You learn that the fabric of us as a fighting unit, fighting force, would be how good you are as a collective versus an individual. 

A great leader can instill belief in a person that can transcend their natural abilities. A leader has to have that, right? It starts with trust. If you can trust and believe in that person and instill those ideals, they can become something that they never thought they would be.

Source: Rodrick Rumble, Scripps Leadership & Career Development Coordinator & Marine

II. The Deep Work of Choosing You

When something is familiar, even though it's unhealthy, it can feel comfortable. When something is unfamiliar, even though it's healthy, it can feel uncomfortable. 

  • Maturity is to learn how to choose what's best for you, even if in the moment it doesn't feel like it's the best for you. 

This is the deep work. 

  • To choose growth.

  • To choose health.

  • To choose worthiness.

  • To choose love.

  • To choose You.

Even in the face of discomfort.

Source: Branden Collinsworth, Nike Global Performance Coach

III. Stand Your Sacred Ground

I will start filling my own cup…

  • Being my own muse, 

  • Knowing my own worth,

  • Loving my own skin,

  • Praising my own existence, 

  • Validating my own journey,

  • Speaking my own truth,

  • Admiring my own reflection,

  • Experiencing my own love, 

  • Enjoying my own company,

  • Extending my own energy,

Creating my own paradise.

Source: Tiffany Nicole, Bleeding Heart

IV. What We’re Excited About

In search of ideas and inspiration to help you find that next superstar, culture builder, or force multiplier for your company, team, or school? On February 22nd, The Daily Coach Network is bringing you a special presentation from Michael Lombardi, “Evaluating Talent in the NFL.”

Evaluating Talent in the NFL will explore the Evaluation System and Manual developed during Michael Lombardi’s time with the Cleveland Browns and will showcase how to develop your team philosophy, evaluate talent and character, leverage a grading scale, and more.

This free, online event has fewer than 100 spots left. Register today.

V. Question

When I had the opportunity, did I choose courage over comfort?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Prioritize what fuels my soul.

  2. Nurture meaningful connections.

  3. Take leaps outside of my comfort zone.

  4. Turn down the volume on my inner critic.

  5. Deepen the relationship I have with myself.

The Last Words…

"Self-love doesn't always mean loving what you see in the mirror. Often, it's a quieter thing. Soft but certain. A gentle rebellion. It's the day you wake up and realize you've stopped apologising for the space you take up. It's removing yourself from the people who make you feel like you're less than enough. It's believing you are worthy on days when nobody else sees it and standing up for yourself when nobody else does. But there will be days when you don't. Days when you can't. And on those days, it's forgiving yourself. It's trying again. And again. And again."

― Sian Wilmot, SRW Poetry

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