Sunday Thinking

"When you're a leader and truth teller, there's no amount of imitation that can replace your authenticity."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"Never forget that there are goals, and there is life. And the two sometimes don't intertwine. It can be easy to get lost in your goals, in looking forward, in achieving, in dreaming of the next milestone. And this is not a bad thing. It's important, and motivating and exciting. But while you are striving forward, don't forget to pause every now and then, and enjoy life. Enjoy the moments in between, the now. Because whilst where you are heading looks good, right now looks good too."

― Lisa Buscomb, Wildy Deserving

I. The Questions We Ask

"Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life." ― J.D. Stroube

Here are 4 powerful life questions we should spend time asking ourselves and revisiting on our self-leadership journeys:

  • Who am I?

  • Why am I on Earth?

  • What do I stand for?

  • How do I make a difference?

II. The Rejuvenating Power of Rest

Here are 7 types of rest that every person needs and deserves:

  1. Physical Rest: Can be passive (sleeping, napping) or active (yoga, stretching, massage).

  2. Mental Rest: Take short breaks between tasks and meetings, create a power-down ritual to separate work from personal, meditate.

  3. Sensory Rest: Turn off social media, get away from screens and bright lights, switch from Zoom to phone call.

  4. Creative Rest: Can be natural (taking in a sunrise/sunset, walking in the woods) or going to a museum, experiencing new music.

  5. Emotional Rest: Spend time alone or with people with whom you can be your full, authentic self.

  6. Social Rest: Spend less time with people who drain your energy and more time with people who give you energy.

  7. Spiritual Rest: Connect with something bigger than yourself. This can be through volunteering, working on a purpose-driven job, or participating in spiritual or faith-based activities.

Source: Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith via Sahil Bloom

III. Living in Alignment

Facing our feelings and thoughts, head-on can create confidence, emotional safety, and clarity in our lives. May these affirmations be gentle reminders for us today and in the week ahead:

  • I am protecting my peace by sitting with myself as I grow.

  • I am grateful for the opportunity to bear witness to the changes I am making.

  • I know things feel hard, but I find gratitude in the most challenging moments.

  • I am giving myself permission to let go of things that are no longer aligned with my growth.

  • I am capable of healing and finding gratitude through the process.

  • I am giving myself permission to stretch my wings and fly towards the best version of me that I can be.

Source: Alex Elle, Shedding is Healing

IV. Question

Am I being good to myself?

V. This Week, I Will

  1. Cultivate quiet time.

  2. Keep promises to myself.

  3. Ditch the comparison game.

  4. Make sure my inner dialogue is serving me.

  5. Learn from mistakes instead of judging myself.

A Chief People Officer shares her thoughts

HR and People Ops professionals are burnt out. Period.

I Hate It Here is a weekly newsletter (and safe space) for the HR pros that are tackling the weekly dumpster fire in their company. There’s a reason over 70,000 people read it already.

The Last Words…

"The most beautiful soul you will ever find is one who has experienced loss but chooses to love, one who has experienced tragedy but continues to have faith, and one who has experienced failure but continues to pursue their dreams."

― Dane Thomas, Author

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