Sunday Thinking

"To be who you are, after all you have been through at the hands of this world, is beautiful."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"There will come a time when shrinking, fading into the background, no longer feels safer than stepping into the light. Silencing your voice will become too hard to hold. Let go and speak up. Hiding from your truth and dodging who you really want to be in this life—because of fear and self-doubt—doesn't just dim your light, but it also reduces the chance of others seeing their path by the glow you emit. Your existence is a lighthouse. Do not hesitate to show up if you're being called to. You never know whose north star you are. Walking in your purpose is an act of community care. The people who are for you will find you."

― Alex Elle, Pathway to Truth

I. The ‘Keep Working’ Mentality

One of the hardest things to hear as a leader, coach, creator, and high performer is to "keep working."

  • After a loss ― keep working.

  • After a huge win ― keep working.

  • Things may not always go your way, and you may not get what you expected ― keep working.

  • When things are going your way ― keep working even harder.

The work you put in ensures your knife stays sharp. Iron sharpens iron.

II. Energy to Bring Into 2024

5 signs of personal growth:

  1. You no longer worry about being right. You focus on finding the truth.

  2. You no longer require external validation from your peers. You walk your path.

  3. You no longer complain about things outside of your control. You focus on action.

  4. You no longer hide behind your self-limiting beliefs. You have a growth-mindset.

  5. You no longer need to exaggerate your accomplishments. You are secure in who you are.

Source: via Sahil Bloom's Twitter, Curiosity Chronicle

III. Life Is…

  • Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. 

  • Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. 

  • Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. 

  • Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. 

  • Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. 

  • Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. 

  • Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. 

  • Life is life, fight for it.

Source: Mother Teresa, Life Is

IV. Question

Who or what has been your most influential teacher this year as you’ve healed, changed, and grown?

V. This Week, I Will

  1. Take a moment to appreciate how far I’ve come.

  2. Treat myself the way I would treat someone I loved.

  3. Not feel bad for taking self-care/mental health days this holiday season.

  4. Send love to those facing loneliness, grief or battling this season.

  5. Remember, if it disturbs my peace, it's too expensive.

The Last Words…

"What if there were only sixty more holidays left in your life, or fifty more summers, or ten more times you'll wake up early enough to watch the sunrise? What if there were only fifteen more times you'll fall asleep listening to the ocean beat against the shore? What if you've already read your favorite book? What if you only have three more times to see someone you love? What if you only have one? How fast does that change things—to think that maybe you do not have forever, though it feels like you have so much longer to survive? How differently will your eyes set their gaze the next time you arrive at one of those sacred moments, those irreplaceable days? How much more will you pay attention? How much more will you see?"

― Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year

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