Sunday Thinking

"You don't really know who you are until you go through something that exposes who you are."

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"You may believe that living life to the fullest is seeing every country in the world and quitting your job on a whim and falling recklessly in love, but it's really just knowing how to be where your feet are. It's learning how to take care of yourself, how to make a home within your own skin. It's learning how to build a simple life you are proud of. A life most fully lived is not always composed of the things that rock you awake, but those that slowly assure you it's okay to slow down. That you don't always have to prove yourself. That you don't need to fight forever, or constantly want more. That it's okay for things to be just as they are. Little by little, you will begin to see that life can only grow outward in proportion to how stable it is inward -that if the joy is not in the little things first, the big things won't fully find us."

― Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year

I. Dare to Lead

What people think leadership is:

  • Telling people what to do

What leadership really is:

  • Use of influence and power

  • Actively listening to understand

  • Integrity and developing a vision 

  • Practicing empathy and vulnerability

  • Self-awareness and empowering others

"Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It’s time for all of us to step up." ― Brené Brown

II. Time Is Precious, Cherish It

Over the last month, several 90-year-olds were asked what advice they would give to their younger selves. Here’s the life advice we all need to hear:

  • Treat your body like a house you have to live in for another 70 years.

  • Tell your partner you love them every night before falling asleep. Someday you’ll find the other side of the bed empty and wish you could.

  • Don’t fear sadness, as it tends to sit right next to love.

  • Do one good deed every single day, but never tell anyone about it.

  • Find the things that make your eyes light up. Do more of those.

  • If something has a minor issue, repair it. Minor issues become major issues over time. Applies equally to love, friendships, health, and home.

  • Never let a good friendship atrophy. Send the text, make the call, plan the trip. Good friendships must be treasured.

  • Taking no risk is the biggest risk you can take. Regret from inaction is always more painful than regret from action.

  • No amount of money is ever worth trading for your peace of mind.

Source: Sahil Bloom, The Curiosity Chronicle

III. Words Into Action

As we step into the second week of 2023, here is an invitation. Instead of the New Year, New You vibe, let's shift that to New Year, More Gratitude. New Year, More Clarity. New Year, Still Healing. New Year, Deeper Understanding.

Realize affirmations without action are just words — so let's intend to look at our why, where, and how to create actionable steps to bring these words to fruition. 

  • I am embodying joy.

  • I am living on purpose.

  • I am courageously walking into my truth.

  • I am breaking cycles by loving myself.

  • I am freeing myself from doubt.

  • I am ready for what's to come.

Source: Alexandra Elle, How We Heal

IV. What We’re Excited About

Start your day off right with Morning Brew - the daily email that makes reading the news actually enjoyable. 

Every morning, Morning Brew summarizes the top news stories and delivers them straight to your inbox so you can quickly get caught up on the way to work or over your morning coffee.

Unlike traditional news which can be boring and dense, Morning Brew is fun to read and easy to understand. 

The best part? It’s completely free and only takes 5 minutes to read so you can get all the most relevant updates and move on with your day.

V. Question

How do you feel about yourself when you are with yourself?

VII. This Week, I Will

  1. Practice real love.

  2. Choose We Over Me.

  3. Grow with consistency.

  4. Treat myself like a friend.

  5. Give my time to what matters most.

The Last Words…

"Create what your intuition is asking you to create. Do this as an act of service. You have no idea who you may end up helping or even the lives that you may save by simply following the truth of your heart. Don't let fear stop you from listening to your inner calling. Don't let an unclear path discourage you from taking steps into the unknown. The greatest you arises when you gently start embracing the space beyond your comfort zone. You don't need to have all of the answers right now to eventually be successful. You just need to be willing to take one step at a time. Embrace the challenge. Remember how strong you are and how much you have already overcome. You don't need to move fast, even moving slowly can get you to where you want to go. Let yourself live in your power. You hold a unique vision and that is your gift to the world."

― Yung Pueblo, Clarity & Connection

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