Sunday Thinking

"Give yourself permission to let go of what weighs heavily on your soul."

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The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

"It's not too late to wake up, to realize [that] for the pursuit of love, safety, and belonging, we shape ourselves, we shape-shift ourselves, kind of like a Marvel superhero, to fit the expectations of others. The forces at work are insidious and relentless and ubiquitous. One can make the argument that the real purpose of life boils down to discovering who you really are and living into that. And then you inject a little bit of kindness into that and then we have a fully actualized person."

― Jerry Colonna, Reboot

I. Courage Starts With Showing Up

Start now. 

  • Start where you are. 

  • Start with fear. 

  • Start with pain. 

  • Start with doubt. 

  • Start with what you have. 

  • Start and don't stop. 

You can do it.

"So keep going — because the world needs your uniqueness. It needs your talent, your art, your mind. Don't let roadblocks, or self-doubt, or the way your journey is unfolding convince you otherwise. Leap towards all that scares and ignites you. Just try for something while you're here." ― Bianca Sparacino

II. The Heart of Humanity

What every human being wants and needs:

  1. To be part of something larger than themselves

  2. To be paid attention to

  3. To be listened to

  4. To be respected

  5. To be loved

  6. To matter

Source: Shane Parrish, The Brain Food

III. Beyond Wins and Losses

When we allow for our wins in life to let us feel like we are on top of the world, we give equal power to allowing our losses to make us feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. 

  • We can enjoy our successes with less ego and more generosity by remembering that our purpose lies in what we bring to the world, not from the accolades the world brings to us. 

  • When we focus solely on validations from the outside world, we end up being very easily controlled by circumstance.

But when we remain humble and firmly rooted in our ever-present goodness, we can celebrate our accomplishments and learn from our disappointments without letting them be the things that define us.

Source:  Cleo Wade, Heart Talk

IV. What We’re Excited About

Oh Sh*t You’re a Grown Up

Life comes at you fast. Suddenly you’re being quizzed on things like 529 plans and backdoor Roth IRAs. It’s time to step up and be responsible with your money and financial goals. But unlike 2 AM feeds - you don’t have to be in this alone. lets you compare expert financial advisors and select a vetted fiduciary to handle your investing. They evaluate credentials, client reviews, and an advisor’s overall experience to make sure you are in good hands.

V. Question

Is what you are holding on to taking all of your energy?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Be very selective with my focus.

  2. Nurture my peace and well-being.

  3. Commit to finding joy in the process. 

  4. Push through the resistance of starting.

  5. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect to start.

The Last Words…

"In a world where most of us die before we are dead, where most of us hyper-fixate on what we cannot control and leave to ruins everything that we can, where most of us fear our humanness and our vulnerability — I hope you find the courage to try. I hope you will come to see that just maybe, beneath the journey you fear to take is the life you had been waiting for, all along."

― Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year

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