Sunday Thinking

“Your presence, your voice, and your gifts are enough.”

The weekly Sunday Thinking newsletter is quick-hit content that aims to provide a booster shot to your thought process as you end and start your week.

“Baby steps take us where we need to go. You don't have to tackle the journey all at once. You are allowed to be unsure. To take things slow. To get lost and find your way back again and again.”

― Alex Elle, Gratitude Journal

Image by Naren

I. Just Start

Main goal for July:

  • No more waiting.

  • Don’t get stuck in the planning stage.

  • You know what you need to do, be bold and start making moves even if the plan is not fully clear.

Source: Yung Pueblo, Lighter

II. Commitment > Convenience

They aren't your values if you only live them when it's easy. It's not the standard if you only live it every now and then.

  • Be who you say you are.

  • It's not about being perfect, it's about being consistent.

Commitment > Convenience

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." ― Ken Blanchard

Source: Kevin DeShazo via The Winning Difference

III. A Beautiful Day

As we stand at the threshold of a fresh moment, a new day, and a promising month:

  • May we find the courage and perspective to make peace with what is and let go of what is not ― granting forgiveness to ourselves and others.

When we embark on the sacred journey of transforming our wounds into wisdom, we unlock an extraordinary power within ourselves:

  • To reflect more, to risk more, to love ourselves and others more unapologetically ― while crafting a legacy that leaves footprints of kindness everywhere we go.

IV. What We’re Excited About

Upgrade your dog's diet with a fresh, healthy diet from Nom Nom and support their healthier, happier life. Nommers report benefits in as little as one month from switching – like a shinier coat, increased energy, and better breath, to name a few.

V. Question

What has your past taught you about growth and self-forgiveness?

VI. This Week, I Will

  1. Slow down and listen.

  2. Celebrate the journey.

  3. Prioritize my self-respect.

  4. Practice random acts of kindness.

  5. Be intentional but stay present, taking each day as it comes.

The Last Words…

"What if an ending isn't actually the end. What if you looked at it, not as an ending but as a beginning. A chance for a new start, a new opportunity, a new path. You can hold on so tight and struggle to let go, but when you do finally release, by choice, or because you are forced to, you will notice so much all around you. So much that was always there, but just hidden from your view. One of the hardest but most beautiful things you can do, is to let something go. To release, with love. With trust. To know that something good, something better, is not far away. To know that an ending isn't the end, it's is actually a new beginning."

― Lisa Buscomb, Everyday Moments

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