Truth Telling + Recommended Reading

There is always beauty and discovery in the madness, confusion and unknown.

Truth Telling is a newsletter that commits to uncovering the bare truths of life for all to see. It is our attempt to live inside the mental landscapes of the world’s elite thinkers.

"If you worry too much about what might be, or what might have been, you will ignore and overlook what is. Remember this. Worrying is a misuse of your vast present potential, and your incredible creative energy. So do your best to focus mindfully on what's in front of you today."

― Marc and Angel Chernoff, Hack Life

"Our bodies are alive, and we have no idea how long this is going to be true. We live every day inside this great mystery, and yet it is extremely challenging​ ​to acknowledge regularly. Denying or ignoring the fact of our impermanence keeps us from the work of befriending our body. Our body deserves to be treasured, now. It wants to be celebrated as it is ― broken and whole. We give​ ​ourselves an irreplaceable gift when we praise our body every day as our temporary, extraordinary temple that offers the gift of being alive."

― Kristi Nelson, Wake Up Grateful

"The real masterclass is observing your own mind so that your emotional history no longer stunts your relationships or life goals. You can learn a lot from other people, but revolutionary internal change comes from building your self-awareness to the point where it becomes easier to make good decisions that make your present and future brighter. Allow yourself to be inspired by others, but remember that the deepest transformations occur when you become more familiar with the patterns that impact your behavior. Too often, we get stuck listening to the stories of other people in the hope of it effortlessly changing ourselves when what would truly serve us best is turning our attention inward."

― Yung Pueblo, Power, Love, and Doing The Work

What We’re Reading Online

Check out The Gist, a newsletter covering all the important stuff when it comes to your personal finances and investing.

Our friends at Finny break down the top money trends so you don’t have to… all in a 5-minute read twice a week. Past popular topics: a 7% US savings bond hidden in plain sight, active managers aren’t shining, the crypto decision tree, and what the $68T wealth transfer means for you.

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