The Daily Coach's 10 Most-Read Pieces of 2023

Whether you've been with us since our founding in 2019 or have recently joined our community, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your time, readership and unwavering support.

The birth of The Daily Coach was driven by the fundamental beliefs that the most important person we'll ever lead is ourself and that everyone deserves to have a great coach.

Whether you've been with us since our founding in 2019 or have recently joined our community, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your time, readership and unwavering support.

As we bid farewell to the current year and step into the next chapter of our personal transformation and leadership journeys, we are grateful to share with you The Daily Coach's 10 most-popular pieces from 2023:

  1. Happy Anniversary 

    Teaching is not limited to the transmission of knowledge. Effective teachers can inspire a love for a subject.

  2. Sunday Thinking

    “You don't really know who you are until you go through something that exposes who you are."

  3. Embellishing Vs. Lying

    While the facts may be unpleasant, changing them is wrong and often fatal.

  4. The 5-Hour Rule

    The 5-hour rule is the concept of spending at least one hour every workday consciously learning new things or practicing various activities.

  5. 'I Was Winning at Work, But I Was Losing at Home'

    The Daily Coach continued its conversation with Drew Maddux about navigating pressure, making career pivots, and overcoming the temptation to compare.

  6. 10 Qualities of a Leader

    It's important to recognize that leadership doesn't hinge on perfection.

  7. The 4 Types of Regret

    As we get older, regretting the mistakes we made in the past becomes a way of living.

  8. What Defines True Leaders

    If someone promises to take action but never follows through, how much weight do their words actually carry?

  9. Coachability

    Only when you actively seek out coaching do you become coachable.

  10. Leadership: The Power to Make Me Feel Important

    Let's commit ourselves to a thorough evaluation of how we and our teams communicate.

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